This may be LAUNCH week

Countdown Sequence Initiated


Coming to the conclusion that if I'm going to do this, now might be the best time. I'm thinking maybe this Thursday, May 30th. I'm getting the same pre-trip cold feet that I always get. It's just so easy to get comfortable and not want to shake it up, but after I finally do "dive in", I'm always glad I did.

The only plan I've got is to head from Austin, Texas toward Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Looking at the map, I'll likely make the trip to Chaco in 3 hops. First target will be Oasis State Park to camp for a night and rest. Then Santa Fe because it's sort of on the way and I really liked it the last time I went that way. Then to Chaco.  After that, I'm wingin' it. 

In the past, I've done Kickstarter and Indiegogo trip-related projects, but all the work and extra self-promotion that has to be done, really takes it's toll on the experience. I'd rather give in completely so that there's more potential for richer treasure to share.  

However, I do need to fund these wandering odyssey's in some way. On previous trips I've produced books from the road and had a private supporter-only blog. This time I'm going to just put most of it out there and trust that if the experience I'm sharing has value to my audience, then they'll toss me a few bones to help out with the expenses and be a part of the trip. Heck, many toss the folks making their coffee or cutting their hair a tip! :)  

So, if at any point along the trip you're getting something from my efforts, please use the "Tip Jar" PayPal button at the top right to help me a little further on down the trail. I VERY much appreciate it! If you enjoy my efforts, but if you're a little light in the pocket book right now, then please help by sharing my posts. :)

For my SUPER-FAN patrons who've been there for me on previous trips, I'm offering 3 levels of support that get you deep discounts from my normal print pricing and inclusion in a special bonus dispatches with extra private dispatches from the road.

Level 1:

Gets you a signed 9x12in museum-quality print on 100% cotton-rag archival paper of any image from the trip in addition to special bonus dispatches. $75  

Level 2:

Gets you a signed 9x12in AND 12x16in museum-quality print on 100% cotton-rag archival paper of any image from the trip in addition to special bonus dispatches. $150

Level 3:

Gets you a signed 12x16x12in AND 18x24in museum-quality print on 100% cotton-rag archival paper of any image from the trip in addition to special bonus dispatches. $300

(Shipping included for U.S. orders. International orders may incur additional cost) 

This offer is good at any point for the duration of the trip, but if you want to get all the bonus dispatches, sign on early! 

countdown sequence initiated... Stay tuned!
